Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Gift of Friendship

Here is an little portion of "Captivating" by John & Stasi Eldredge that I read today and it reminded me of my best friends. I love you girls. These are a few of the greatest gifts God has ever given to me-Stephanie, Anggi, Tami, and Molly.

"Friendship is a great gift. One to be prayed for and not taken for granted. If you do not have the kind of friendship you long for, ask God to bring it into your life, to give you eyes to recognize it when he does. When God gives a friend, he is entrusting us with the care of another's heart. It is a chance to mother and to sister, to be a Life giver, to help someone else become the woman she was created to be, to walk alongside her and call her deep heart forth.

Friendships need to be nurtured and guarded and fought for. We need to call one another without waiting to be called first. We need to ask how our friends are doing and really listen to their answers. Listen between the lines. We love our friends by pursuing them- calls, little presents, cards, invitations to play, to go for a walk, to go to a movie. We offer our hearts."

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